Organic Green Banana Flour

Plantains are the less sweet, starchier equivalent to the banana. Sweet bananas, sometimes called “dessert bananas” are much more popular in the United States and Europe, but plantains are an extremely important staple for people in tropical countries.

Plantains are rich sources of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, and are easily digestible. As a staple food, plantains have been the main fare of millions of people for centuries.

Plantains contain a good amount of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C in a single cup. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant which may help boost your immune system.

The high amount of potassium found in plantains is essential for maintaining the cell and body fluids that control your heart rate and blood pressure.

The fiber in plantains also helps lower your cholesterol, which in turn keeps your heart functioning at its best.

Nacttive USA
